Secret of Drawing :

Who doesn’t want to be able to draw and do it well? Most people believe drawing is a desirable skill they cannot learn, despite their desire to do so. Fortunately, anyone can learn and develop the skill of drawing with practice and knowledge. In this lesson, I will provide you with one crucial piece of… Continue reading Secret of Drawing :

Refrigerator | 1913

HISTORYCommonly known as Fridge. Though the two words are often used interchangeably with one another, a refrigerator combines both the cooling and freezing mechanism, while a fridge omits the freezing mechanism to promote a compact build. | The word refrigerator originates from the Latin verb refrigerate which was derived from the Latin adjective frigus, meaning… Continue reading Refrigerator | 1913


The greatest invention of mankind is probably writing and not the wheel. Yes, the wheel played a pivotal part centuries later in the printing press. As printing became more accepted and common, most of the machines after WW2 were put to work for circulations. Interestingly, Printing played a huger role for Nazis and Russians in… Continue reading Publication

Generative Design

Generative Design What Is Generative Design? One of the genres of design is Generative Design, which is controlled and developed by the code at the back end. It's an iterative process that involves backend programming defined by various constraints.Generative design is a design exploration process. Designers or engineers input design goals into the generative… Continue reading Generative Design

Nintendo Entertainment System(NES)

Object  Nintendo Entertainment System(NES) Origin and History (1987- 1995) The Nintendo console, or Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), was released as the Famicom in Japan on July 15, 1983.The Basic Set, first released in 1987, retailed at US$89.99 with no game, and US$99.99 bundled with the Super Mario cartridge. On August 14, 1995, Nintendo discontinued the… Continue reading Nintendo Entertainment System(NES)

Design System

Design SystemWhat Is A Design System? A Design System is a set of interconnected patterns and shared practices coherently organized. Design Systems aid in digital product design and development of products such as apps or websites. It is a collection of reusable components, guided by clear standards, that can be assembled together to build any… Continue reading Design System


Publishing is the activity of making information, literature, music, software, Book, Bulletin, Booklet, Broadside, Flyer, Leaflet, Journal, Newsletter, Newspaper, Pamphlet and Magazine easily accessible to the general public.  In the past this was done mainly through issuing printed copies of documents. Now there are many more options such as websites, print, DVD, e-publications and apps.… Continue reading Publications

Projection through mapping :

Projection mapping is one of the modern eye-catching techniques which is used to turn buildings, spaces and other objects into visuals and can take live events to an exciting new level.  Music and sound plays an important role in grabbing the attention of viewers. Mapping is simply a way to manipulate projected light using computers… Continue reading Projection through mapping :


Infographics are appealing, easily understandable overview of a topic and comparatively quicker to comprehend, graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge.It is a collection of imagery, charts with minimal text, striking, engaging visuals to communicate information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system's ability to… Continue reading Infographics

Read, Write, and Share

Publishing The business or profession of making information available to the public is called publishing. In the past, this was done mainly through issuing printed copies of documents. Now there are many more options such as websites, print, DVD, e-publications, and apps.  3 Types of Publishing: Traditional, self, and Hybrid ·      Traditional publishing. This… Continue reading Read, Write, and Share

Speculative Design

What is speculative design? Speculative design is the process of addressing big societal issues with design processes and systems. “Where typical design takes a look at small issues, speculative design broadens the scope and tries to tackle the biggest issues in society.” The term was coined by Anthony Dunne, professor and head of the design… Continue reading Speculative Design

Sustainable Design

There is no planet B.But do we really understand this? It shows through our actions and our practice that we don’t. With the high rise in climate disasters in recent years, its quite evident that we are not taking the necessary steps towards protecting our environment and creating a better future for the next generation.… Continue reading Sustainable Design

Projection through mapping : Projection Mapping

Projection mapping is something we looked into today and it was a visual treat. Its like any surface can be your canvas, it can be as big as a whole building.Another way of looking at it is also that the possibility to express has been broaden. For example, I had the option of projection on… Continue reading Projection through mapping : Projection Mapping

System Design

If you Google, What is system design?, the first link that pops up states: ‘Definition: Systems design is the process of defining elements of a system like modules, architecture, components and their interfaces and data for a system based on the specified requirements. It is the process of defining, developing and designing systems which satisfies the… Continue reading System Design


The first version was released on October 23, 2001, about 8+1⁄2 months after the Macintosh version of iTunes was released. Portable music players have a long history that spans from the boom box to the Walkman. It wasn’t until 2000 that digital music players were introduced. However, digital players in 2000 were either large and cumbersome or small and contained dreadful… Continue reading ipod